Finding Games Retrospective: Episode Zero

Hello Needy Cat fans! With the end of the year approaching (apparently it’s Christmas this time next week, but that sounds like nonsense), we thought it’d be nice to get some updates on the blog and look back at what we’ve been up to over this strange, strange year. We’re kicking that off with a closer look at the Finding Games podcast, which really came into its own in 2020. It’s almost like we suddenly had a lot more free time to record podcasts, or something…

We started Finding Games early last year, as part of our drive to help people find their footing in the tabletop games industry. We’d already set up the Nottingham Tabletop Industry Collective, we’d been running game design courses and been doing some mentoring, but we wanted to do something that took a closer look at the journeys that lead people to working in the tabletop games industry. One of our favourite things about this weird world we now work in is that there’s no obvious career path; it’s very rare to find someone who left school or college and immediately started on a very dedicated track that led to them working on games. Just among the people we know personally, there are former oil rig workers, mathematicians, chocolatiers, doctors, journalists and who knows what else. We wanted to spread this message loud and clear - you don’t need to be some kind of “games professional” to find a place in the games industry!

Anyway - over the next few days, in the runup to Christmas, we’re going to be looking back at the past eighteen months of Finding Games. We’re kicking it off with a little treat today - a look back at the very first episode!

Episode Zero was originally released in May 2019 as a Patreon exclusive, and is an interview with James. It was Sophie’s first time hosting a podcast or interviewing someone, so this was a test run as much as anything else. As such, you’ll have to forgive a bit of audible nervousness - not to mention the audio quality! (That Patreon money’s been put to very good use in upgrading our kit since then.)

We hope you enjoy it. If you want a bit more Finding Games, our Patreon backers will be getting access to the next episode today - head over and throw us a dollar a month if you’d like to join the early bird club!

Music from (

"The Show Must Be Go" by Kevin MacLeod

“Happy Boy End Theme” by Kevin MacLeod

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