Needy Cat Games Turns Two!

We never would have thought when we started this venture two years ago that we could have achieved as much as we have in such a short time.

Most of this is down to you. Yes, you! The people who have supported us, followed our progress, reviewed our games, read our articles and nominated us for an award. Thank you. We could not have done this without you!

It’s been quite a ride. We moved into an office, then moved into a bigger office with windows, we wrote several games (Hellboy, Devil May Cry, League of Infamy, Bonefields, and several others that we can’t talk about yet), helped other people polish the rules for their own games, started running networking events for people in the tabletop games industry and launched a set of game design courses. It’s been a bit intense! (Oh, and you have no idea what we’ve got planned next…)

To celebrate two years of fun, stress, excitement, panic, joy and terror, we’re having a party - and we’re doing it the only way we know how (read: playing a load of games).


If you are near Nottingham, why not come to our celebration at The Dice Cup on Wednesday 10th July from 11am onwards. We’ll be playing games all day, and into the evening, so feel free to turn up and join in whenever you like. We might even have cake and party hats! You can indicate you’re coming, and see more details, by following this link to our Facebook event.

But That’s Not All!

To celebrate this milestone, we’re running an awesome competition. Hands up who remembers the Needy Cat Newsletter? We started it ages ago but it’s been dormant for a fair while. Well, we’re going to be relaunching it soon - and to make sure it makes a big splash, we want as many people as possible to sign up!

Our newsletter will be a (more or less) monthly roundup of everything that’s going on in the world of Needy Cat Games. It’ll feature news about our games, tell you which shows we’re going to be attending and keep you informed about any exciting stuff on the horizon.

Still not convinced? Well, at the end of July we’ll randomly draw one of our newsletter subscribers to WIN a signed copy of Hellboy: The Board Game (published by the wonderful folks at Mantic Games).

Hellboy Product Shot.jpeg

Interested? Fancy getting your hands on a signed copy? All you have to do is click the button below and sign up before 1st August 2019. Best of luck!